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Eco Conservation

Environmental and Social policies of Acu-Sol




Reduce: At Acu-sol we are conscience of the need to reduce our carbon footprint, and are currently working on plans to build a Greener factory in the future. Our storage warehouse utilizes natural lighting minimizing the use of electricity.


Reuse: Acu-sol implements the use of recycled packaging materials thus reducing our carbon footprint on the earth. We also reuse the label backing as packaging ‘stuffing’ leading to less environmental impact on trees. 


Recycling: At Acu-sol we are dedicated to creating a sustainable future by the means of recycling (Plastic/Glass bottles, paper, etc.). This is done by implementing the use of separate disposable areas.  Where appropriate we recycle our bottles and containers.


Products: On a growing list of our products we have removed; and are in the process of removing harmful petrochemicals and non - biodegradable ingredients. Where possible we are replacing these with biodegradable and non-carcinogenic ingredients.   

Acu-sol is also trying to lead the market in removing ingredients that have been banned oversees, yet are still being used by local companies. 

Acu-sol is also limiting the use of Ecotoxic and bioaccumulative ingredients in its products. We endeavour to obtain our naturally derived ingredients from sustainable sources.  


We are committed to working locally to improve the social, economical and environmental well being of our community. 

Our goal is to foster partnerships that will enhance our local economy using environmental improvements that create cleaner, safer neighbourhoods.

We are dedicated to environmental improvements that foster a sustainable future and lead to social and economical improvements in the community in which we do business.


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